Steinunn’s Draupnir

Steinunn’s Draupnir – Welpe 1  – male
He is a fine, more sensitive character with a brown gene. 

The Golden Ring of Oðinn

Norse Mythology

Draupnir is the name of a dwarf in Vǫluspá and in the Þulur [1]
It is also the name of Óðinn’s golden arm ring, from which another eight equally heavy rings drip every ninth night. Draupnir was forged by the dwarfs Brokkr and Sindri. Óðinn laid Draupnir on the pyre at Baldr’s funeral as a legitimation of power towards the goddess of the Underworld Hel, and on one occasion Baldr is named as the ring’s owner, too.
Draupnir is mentioned in scaldic poetry as a kenning for gold.

Draupnir (altnordisch Draupnir ‚der Tröpfler‘) ist in der nordischen Mythologie der Zauberring Odins, von dem in jeder neunten Nacht acht gleich schwere Ringe abtropfen. Der Zwerg Sindri schuf ihn gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Brokkr.  Odin warf den Ring in das Bestattungsfeuer seines Sohnes BalderHermod brachte den Ring von seiner Unterweltreise zur Hel wieder zu Odin zurück. Draupnir ist ein Symbol für Reichtum und Überfluss, aber auch für wiederkehrende Fruchtbarkeit.

Icelandic Icelandic Names
Origin and Meaning

Old Norse

Old Norse name
1) Old Norse name meaning ‚dripper‘ (of rings) hence ‚goldsmith‘ [1] [2] [3]


Anzahl in WorldFengur registrierter Pferde mit dem Namen Draupnir: 375

Brownish-red, brown nose, small white blaze, white zigzag marking on the neck, white chest, white paws, little white tail tip,

Hind paws with double dewclaws
Birthweight 316 gram

Steinunn’s Draupnir at the age of 8 weeks

Steinunn’s Draupnir at the age of 6 weeks

Steinunn’s Draupnir at the age of 3 weeks

Steinunn’s Draupnir at the age of 2 weeks